Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's my birthday!!!

The big 18. I really don't feel any different but its just an age. I can do a little more stuff. FREEDOM. The only thing that i wanted for my birthday was my tattoo. I such being getting that here pretty soon. My parents are getting one too. So that is AWESOME. But just for today all i am doing is going to school and then swim practice, and maybe have a birthday dinner. Who knows what will happen. All i know is that i want today to be the best day ever and no drama.


  1. As they say in China, "Feliz cumpleanos!"

  2. Happy Birthday.
    Don't worry I felt the same way when I turned 18. It is pretty much just a number cause I didn't feel any different just thoughtim older and legal. Lol

  3. Nice well Happy B-day again and yea 18 is a little better but u gotta relize u get in WAY more trouble for the little things in life but hey life it up and next year ull be 19 and a little after that 21! yea so good luck at swim practice Pe@ce

  4. same me when i turn 18, i dont feel the different so oh well. happy bday. what kind tatto are you going to get?

  5. happy birthday Ashley! u have anything special planned for ur b-day? man i rememeber when i turned 18......8 months

